Breakfast Club

About Breakfast Club

Our breakfast club is a creative environment for our children to play with their friends whist ensuring they eat breakfast before school. Children receive toast, cereal, a yoghurt and a drink. We have to charge to cover our staffing costs. Our costs are £4 for the first child and £3 for additional siblings. If your child is entitled to school meals then please contact the school for a subsidised rate.

The club is based in the school hall Monday to Friday and starts at 7:45-8:45 (term time only). The children are then taken to their classrooms, ready to start their learning. It is only open to Hornsea Burton and Skipsea school children where children from nursey age to Year 6 happily mix together as they enjoy their breakfast.

 For health and safety reasons can you please call admin staff to pre-book your breakfast club place at the beginning of the week. Any cancellations must be made at least 24 hours before your session or this will incur charges. Sessions must be paid for before the session.

The Breakfast Club Staff:

·         Mrs Hall at Skipsea Primary

·         Mrs Toth at Hornsea Burton Primary