Pupil Premium


About Pupil Premium

At Hornsea Burton and Skipsea Primary schools we believe that circumstance and background should not determine the educational achievements and future life chances of children. We aim to ensure that regardless of the individual challenges they face, all children are provided equitable opportunity to succeed. As they move towards adulthood, children should not see choice as a luxury to which they have no access. Whatever they choose to do or be in the future should be determined by decisions informed and afforded by the highest possible educational outcomes, rather than dictated to them by the circumstances into which they were born.


Our mission is therefore to enable all children to make good or better progress to achieve at the expected level and above, to nurture success in all children and help them to be the best that they can be and to develop as rounded, informed, literate and numerate young people who understand and contribute to the society in which they live. In order to do this, we provide access to a rich and balanced curriculum to allow them to develop as happy, articulate and confident individuals who love learning and have good levels of emotional and physical wellbeing.

Our PP strategy enables this by augmenting whole school improvement activity to provide staff with the training and support they require to provide the highest possible teaching to our pupils, to provide children with a range of experiences which build their cultural capital, and by focusing on their language skills and vocabulary to ensure they can access the curriculum at the appropriate level.

Pupil Premium Funding

The ‘Pupil Premium’ is funding allocated to schools for the specific purpose of boosting the attainment of pupils from low-income families who are considered disadvantaged compared to their wealthier peers.

Funding is based on children who have been registered for free school meals at any time in the last six years, further reinforcing the importance of making sure all those who qualify are actually registered.

A high proportion of our students are eligible for Pupil Premium and we passionately believe that this is not a barrier to success, but rather that by improving outcomes for all in our school community we benefit the most disadvantaged most of all. Many of the plans we put in place to support Pupil Premium pupils also support and raise the outcomes of other groups within the school such as those with Special Education Needs, and those identified as Most Able.

This funding we receive is given in recognition of the fact that, nationally, disadvantaged children do not perform as well as their non-disadvantaged peers.

See below for further information.

Pupil Premium expenditure is reviewed during the year with governors and impact on pupil outcomes is checked at least termly.  Each year when new funding is received, discussions take place about allocation of this funding for the next financial year to ensure maximum positive impact on pupils and their outcomes.  This is agreed at governor meetings.

We ensure that the strategies implemented with the funding are researched based and impact is carefully monitored and evaluated.