What is SEND?

It is the aim of the school to include all children, and to enable those with special educational needs to access a broad and balanced curriculum and take part in all aspects of school life. We strive to ensure that all children are safe and healthy, enjoy their education and achieve their potential, recognizing the contribution they can make and their right to economic well being in adult life.

The Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Co-ordinator (SENDco) for Hornsea Burton and Skipsea Primary School is Mrs Hart. Please contact the school office if you need to contact our SENDCo on Hornsea Burton 01964 536594 or Skipsea 01262 468394

More Information


At Hornsea Burton and Skipsea Federation we use a variety of teaching methods to respond to group and individual needs. Classes benefit from the support of Classroom Assistants and all the staff work together as a team to ensure continuity and progression. A variety of strategies are used when working with the children including whole class teaching and small group work according to need. We believe in scaffolding children’s learning to enable them to both access and achieve across the curriculum.

 At all times you will be kept up to date with what is happening concerning your child’s education and you will be advised as to the best course of action.

  • -Planning curriculum delivery to meet the needs of all pupils by considering different learning styles and differentiating tasks.

    -Identifying barriers to learning and participation

    -Working with parents or carers to identify and meet children’s needs.

    -Assessing children’s needs by testing and observation.

    -Providing staff with appropriate special educational needs training and information.

    -Monitoring children’s progress using Termly Support Plans (TSPs), to be reviewed three times a year.

    -Working in co-operation with the LA and other agencies.

    -Seeking advice and support from outside experts as appropriate.

    -Involving children in planning support, target setting and reviewing progress.

  • Your child’s progress will be monitored continuously throughout the year. There are also formal teacher assessments that are carried out termly to assess children’s current understanding of reading, spelling, writing and mathematics. If a child is not making the expected progress either the class teacher/ SENDco/Senior Leadership team will identify these children. From this point appropriate interventions are offered to allow children to ‘catch up’.

    At times it is appropriate to seek the advice of external agencies, such as the school Educational Psychologist. They are in a position to carry out particular testing to identify more specific conditions/learning difficulties. Very frequently these tests do not change the way a child accesses the curriculum. To discuss this further feel free to make an appointment with the SENCo.

  • If your child is on the Special Educational Needs register there is a meeting which is held with the class teacher. At this meeting you will be given the opportunity to discuss your child’s progress along with any new targets that are set for them. If your child has a statement of special needs they will have an annual review each year to discuss progress over the year and to set and agree new targets. It is at this meeting that school staff and outside agencies will be invited to attend and make contributions.

  • Please contact the school office if you need an appointment with Mrs Hart, our SENDCo, on Hornsea Burton 01964 536594 or Skipsea 01262 468394



  • Your first point of contact should be the class teacher. There are 3 parent’s evenings held throughout the year, however, at Hornsea Burton and Skipsea Primary Federation the teaching staff are always happy to discuss your child’s progress and attainment at any given point in the year. You can also contact the school SENDco who would be happy to answer any questions or concerns you may have.

  • All teachers at Hornsea Burton and Skipsea Primary Federation are teachers of SEND children. Lessons are made accessible for all by using a number of strategies including use of different resources, use of additional adults and different tasks.

  • We have an open door policy which means that parents/carers are always welcome to come in to school to discuss their child’s progress or any concerns that they may have. We work with many outside agencies who are able to support parents/carers of children with specific needs.

  • At Hornsea Burton and Skipsea Primary Federation we are committed to ensuring equality of education and opportunity for disabled pupils, staff and all those receiving services from the school. We aim to develop a culture of inclusion and diversity in which people feel free to disclose their disability and to participate fully in school life. Our admissions policy does not discriminate against pupils with SEND.

  • Any children who have barriers to their learning and are experiencing difficulties will be identified quickly and assessed as early as possible to provide work appropriately matched to their ability and appropriate scaffolding. If you are worried about your child’s learning:

    •          Talk to your child’s teacher -Many problems can be sorted out as they arise. It is important that you speak to your child’s class teacher or the SENDCo as soon as you think there is a problem. They will work with you and decide how best to assist your child.

    •          Read the School’s Policy on Special Educational Needs & Disability and the SEN report -The School’s policy on Special Educational Needs & Disability is regularly reviewed by staff and governors. For reference, a full copy is available at the school Office and on the website.

    •          The class teacher will work with the SENDCo (Special Educational Needs and Disability Co-Ordinator and parents/carers to ascertain as to whether any interventions need to be implemented.

    •          In most cases your child will benefit from the extra help they have received. In some cases, more support will be needed and your child may benefit from working with a specialist member of staff. In a small number of cases, we may, with parent permission, refer to an outside agency or a formal assessment may be advised.